Friday, February 6, 2009

A mind of her own

Well to borrow this title from my friend Amy's blog seem appropriate. We both have a child who likes to express themselves in ways that..... well.....we will say "tests our limits". These are pictures of Brooklynn after being told to "get dressed to go". Anyone who knows me, knows that this is not something I would let her wear out of the house. But I guess you just gotta let a girl be herself. God help me....ha ha

Yes this is a dress over pants with a shirt over the top. She said she was cold in her dress.....
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Logan and Amy said...

It is nice to know that my daughter isn't the only one with a mind of her own. Love her outfit! Did you let her wear it out like that? Sometimes I feel like wearing a sign on me that says"My child dressed herself"!!

Kristal said...

Yes I did take her out like that, can you believe it? I must have been abducted by aliens that

Logan and Amy said...

Wow! I can't believe you let her out like that, LOL!!! That's great. It will be fun to see what they dress like when they are teenagers.